People In Focus

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Let's Talk

For an initial conversation about your HR needs, without obligation, please contact our Director, Karen Liddington.

Karen Liddington Director People In Focus

07793 117283

01233 822462

Client Testimonial

“Health Poverty Action has relied on Karen’s expertise and support for many years.  She is the bedrock upon which our HR functions and processes depend, providing both technical expertise and expert mentoring to our key managers, for many years.  It’s in the nature of HR that these services are particularly called upon by myself and senior managers when things are especially challenging and sensitive, and the confidence and stability brought to the organisation by Karen’s high calibre support at such times has been beyond valuable.  Karen makes a huge contribution to the life and work of Health Poverty Action – and hence to the cause of health justice worldwide.  Her work also saves us a lot of money, as it costs a tiny fraction of what we would need to spend to have  an internal HR role – and in my time in the sector, I can honestly say Karen’s is by far the best HR service I have encountered.”

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Martin Drewry, Director
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